To you my Darling….
My beloved – my beloved…
My beloved friend and sister…
What a strange connection we have my dear…
I never heard your voice ever
I never saw your picture ever
I never met you in-person ever
I never knew where you lived
I never knew what you looked like
But I know, I knew you my darling
Yes, my darling I knew you
In my heart – I knew you
You are my beloved..
I felt your warmth
I felt your love
I felt your laugher and joy
I felt your energy for sure my dear…
And I knew – I love you very much
I learnt the true meaning of love
By loving you…
By loving a person that was not visible to me
To my eyes..
But you were visible to my heart…
In my heart I saw you…
Its been a few months since your departed my dear
But I still miss you like yesterday
Some days are easy – some not…
I still wish you would appear some where some time my dear..
Because I miss you so much…
What a strange connection we had..
That only you and I would know
Something I could not justify…
And nobody else would understand…
But today – it does not matter anymore
I don’t need to prove to others
For I know, I knew you
In my heart…
You were the baby sister I never had
But always wanted
I loved when you called me “Di”
And I still hear that every day my dear
Just before you departed my darling
I promised you that I will keep you in my heart for ever
So that is where you will stay my sweet darling
In my heart.. for ever….
I knew my life was going to change
And it’s never going to be the same
And I told you this..
And you wanted to know why?
Although you were much younger to me
You taught me a great lesson
To live every day to the fullest
And to be brave and fearless
And to do my best
With the time I have left
Thank you my sweet love
For entering my life
Even though it was for a very short time
You made a huge difference in my life…
Thank you my darling for sharing your love with me
And thank you for letting me be part of your life
I am honoured to have known you my darling
When you told me that you wanted to be born as my sister
That was a true honour to me – my darling…
My beloved..
Like I promised you my darling
You will always remain in my heart..
And I love you baby sister..
Truly, madly, deeply….