Monday, May 21, 2007

Take this MOMENT

Ah.. the plans we make to live forever and ever
The promises we make to be there forever and ever
The preparations we make to live a better life
Some day.. some where
Not realizing that
All we really have is - this moment

But we often sacrifice our moments
No just moments
Hours, days and weeks
Sometimes ...
Even months and years
To prepare to live
As if someone is going to tell us…
On your mark..
Get set…
Go live your life NOW..
Does it happen like this folks?
I dont think so...
To live our dream life
To live happily ever after…
We try to pretend like we are here
For ever and ever
We seek promises and guarantees
And sometimes
Life time guarantees
When our lives alone have no a guarantee
When were are born
Do we get a guarantee?
How long we will live..
Who can gurantee us?

But in true reality
what we have is - this moment
Lets not waste it folks
Lets live it
And live the best we can...
Not anybody’s best but our own best
Lets be thankful
For this moment...
Lets show gratitude
For this moment of life
Within a moment
You can tell someone you love them
You can hold your friends hand
You can give them a hug
Smell the roses
Look at the sky and observe the colours
Listen to a bird sing
Throw a pebble to the lake and watch how it makes ripples
Notice the colour of a ripe cherry tomato
Say a simple prayer
And give thanks to your creator
And the list goes on…

The moments may add to an hour
And hour to a day
And so forth..
And if it does..
Lets consider it a blessing..
A true blessing..
Why waste years and years
In planning and preparing
When we have this perfect moment
Lets grab this moment
And live it
To our BEST..

Shall we???

Are you in touch with yourself?

There are times in our lives we have to be really alone.. no matter how much family we have or how many friends we have.. we have to be alone.. often times, during miseries.. during tragedies.. during extreme painful times.. we are truly alone.. No one can take away your pain.. no one can take away your fear..
For whatever reason you may not get a chance to connect with your loved ones, hold their hand or give or get a hug.. we wish, we hope, we pray but it’s just us.. alone.. in the darkness of life.. in terror.. in fear.. in desperation…

In such times, all you have is YOU and your faith.. I hope you have faith in YOU and also your faith.. what ever you believe in life.. It’s important to have faith. in some thing or some one and most importantly YOU. At the end of the day, it's just YOU. No matter how powerful we are financially, how influential, how famous, how knowledgeable, how social we have become… there are moments in life we are just alone…it happens to all of us.. in a hospital bed, on a dark night worrying what happened to our loved ones.. when you cannot contact with anyone else outside, when you have lost connection with all… its still important to stay connected to yourself…because YOU are still with YOU. And your faith will get you through the day… You will keep company with YOU. Its important to stay in touch with yourself.. not just for emergencies but at all times.. Although we like to think that there is always people around us – you would be surprised when you need them the most for some reason they are not there.. All you are left with is YOU. And if you have not met you and not made connections with yourself it can be pretty scary. Imagine meeting some one new for the very first time during a time of crisis.. If you haven’t built faith then you also nothing to live for when all doors are closed to you.

Today, take time to examine your faith. Make a date to meet with yourself -the most important person in your life. Make a connection before it’s too late.

If not NOW...When????

It’s kind of funny, I was just thinking.. and have realized this recently, we as women no matter how independent we have become in our professional lives, still live for others subconsciously.. I hope you understand.. we tend to live for our husbands, children or parents.. Subconsciously the decisions we take tend to be always for the benefit of others.. well as women, have a long tradition and also a very high expectation of living our lives as caregivers, constantly giving care to others but very rarely giving care to our own selves…

How many of you women would agree with me? even if we are picking vegetables and other groceries at the store, the first priority goes to what everybody else wants .. even we decided to cook its subconsciously about what the other person would like to eat.. very rarely would we make something for us.. When do we live for us ladies? When? If not now when?

Every single day we live we are also getting one day closer to death.. and how can we predict how long we would live.. some of us can’t ever imagine of retiring from life due to high financial responsibilities.. so we may never get to retire and do all the things we always dreamt of.. not to be negative here, would we have the health to do it? At the rate most women kill themselves to keep home fires burning and look after the family, community and world would we have our health? At the high cost of being a super woman we have lost our souls don’t you think so?

Perhaps, its time to think.. are we really living for ourselves? Are we doing things we want and like and enjoy? Are we putting ourselves on the top of our pedestals?. Who actually sits on our pedestals?. where’s U in you? Is it all always the last? Why is it so hard for us to live for ourselves? Is it our upbringing? Our society expectations? Why do we feel guilty to live for ourselves? Don’t we have the right? Or do we think as we don’t deserve it? Is the world our responsibility? Is everybody’s happiness always our responsibility? Are we responsible for the whole world? But let me flip the questions.. who is responsible for us? Who is responsible for our happiness? Who will take care of us? When do we get to live for yourselves?

Some of us are so buried in this we no longer know how to live for ourselves.. but if you have at least recognized this that is a great first step.. today can be the first day to a new life.. a brand new life… Lets learn how to live for ourselves.. shall we? At least we can say, when the time comes, I gave my best shot.. well if we didn’t try we would not know ah?

Are you living for yourself?

Loving YOU

We all want to be loved and accepted..
It’s a universal desire
But if we sacrifice our own souls
Just to be loved and accepted by others
At the end of the day
We lose ourselves..
When we do lose us
There is nothing inside left
We become empty and hollow...
So, lets guard ourselves
From sacrificing ourselves
Our true souls
Just to be loved by others...
Instead, lets turn inwards
And find love
Within us...
Within our own hearts
And souls
So when the rest of the world
Forgets or gets busy
We can still exist
Because we have plenty of love
In us
And within us
The Good Lord did not
Forget to put a lot of love
In us when he created us
But he stored it deep in our hearts
Where its is safe and secure
So we have to go within
To find it..
So even on a day
When we have to go without
The love of others
We still have enough
Within us..

Do you love yourself?