Just when I thought..
That everyone has forgotten me
And left me in the dark
Inside this tunnel of scary life
God peeps into my heart
Like a ray of sunshine..
And whispers
I am still here.. I haven’t left
Just when I thought
I couldn’t continue anymore
And I have given all what I have
And nothing more to give
God whispers in my ears
And gently reminds me
No you are not done yet my dear..
You have more to live for
More to give and more to get
More to learn and more to grow
Just when I thought
All my dear friends have forgotten me
And have no use of me anymore..
Here comes god again
And whispers
Did you forget I am your best friend?
And I am still here
Have you heard God?
You may call it different names…
You higher power, your inner voice, your godly self or your divine self..
Your authentic self or your inner self..
This is not about a religion
It’s about faith
Faith in you
And your higher self
That part that reflects your godly self..
Have you found the god in you or within you or above you?
I hope you have..
If not I hope you invest some time
To find it..
Because it is the greatest gift you can give yourself..
The best ever friend you can find for yourself..
God is one person who has not disappointed me
One person who has always been there for me
One person who has never isolated me
One person who has not betrayed me
One person who has not disrespected me
One person who has not ignored me
One person who has loved me for who I am
One person who has delivered on time all his promises
One person who didn’t forget me
One person who has held my hand and showed me the way
And I am here to say – its in you too..
It’s not just for me but for you too..
Its grace is also for you
Let me remind you again,
It has nothing to do with a religion or a particular faith group
It’s in all of us..
Depending on your belief
It’s with you, in you, within you or above you
But its there for you
So today, take time to find it.. find the God within you.
That everyone has forgotten me
And left me in the dark
Inside this tunnel of scary life
God peeps into my heart
Like a ray of sunshine..
And whispers
I am still here.. I haven’t left
Just when I thought
I couldn’t continue anymore
And I have given all what I have
And nothing more to give
God whispers in my ears
And gently reminds me
No you are not done yet my dear..
You have more to live for
More to give and more to get
More to learn and more to grow
Just when I thought
All my dear friends have forgotten me
And have no use of me anymore..
Here comes god again
And whispers
Did you forget I am your best friend?
And I am still here
Have you heard God?
You may call it different names…
You higher power, your inner voice, your godly self or your divine self..
Your authentic self or your inner self..
This is not about a religion
It’s about faith
Faith in you
And your higher self
That part that reflects your godly self..
Have you found the god in you or within you or above you?
I hope you have..
If not I hope you invest some time
To find it..
Because it is the greatest gift you can give yourself..
The best ever friend you can find for yourself..
God is one person who has not disappointed me
One person who has always been there for me
One person who has never isolated me
One person who has not betrayed me
One person who has not disrespected me
One person who has not ignored me
One person who has loved me for who I am
One person who has delivered on time all his promises
One person who didn’t forget me
One person who has held my hand and showed me the way
And I am here to say – its in you too..
It’s not just for me but for you too..
Its grace is also for you
Let me remind you again,
It has nothing to do with a religion or a particular faith group
It’s in all of us..
Depending on your belief
It’s with you, in you, within you or above you
But its there for you
So today, take time to find it.. find the God within you.