Saturday, April 12, 2008


Ah.. here I go again..
I curse myself.. .
Who did this happen to me again..
Why did I let this happen to me again
I should have known..
This is not the first time
I tell my myself
Frowning at my own mistakes

Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes
I have made many
And yet I continue to make a few more
Just when I think I will not make another mistake
I have just made another

But aren’t mistakes lessons in life
Isn’t it how we learn lessons..
By doing mistakes and learning from them?
In a way, if I didn’t make mistakes
Would I have much to talk about?
Can I say yes, I have done that, being there?
This is how I felt and this is what I did..

I realize there are no mistakes in life
But only lessons
But unless we learn the lesson
It will keep coming back
Back again and again..
In different colours, different shapes
But it’s the same lesson…

Hopefully, when we know better
We can do better
So mistakes are just as important
As the successes we make in life
If only we have the wisdom to learn from them…

Learn from your mistakes the first time.. If not it will repeat again and again!

Where are you running?

What are you doing?
Where is your life flowing?
Are you just running?
Running to or running away?
Or running with the flow..
Are you living?
Or just existing?
Don’t know or don’t want to know..
No time?
When was the last time you smiled?
When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses?
When was the last time you experienced joy?
No time?
What are you doing with your time?
For what? for whom?
Pay bills.. you might say..
But what bills are you paying?
May I ask?
Are they bills you really need?
Or are they bills you think you need?
Stop! and think…
Is your money and efforts going in the wrong way..
Is it going to a drain without knowing?
I see your account is full and brimming
But yet..
Then why are you feeling so empty?
Why are you running empty?
Why are you not happy? What are you not at peace?
Peace and happiness and tranquility
It’s not for me
You might say..
But I say you are wrong..
It’s also for you
Its also for all of us
But you have to find it..
It’s within you
It’s within your reach..
The name and status and fame and popularity
You have built or going after
I hope it will give you something back..
For you to hold on to on a dark lonely night
If the world forgets you just in case…

You are constantly running…
But my dear, where are you running?
Do you even know?
I hope..
I hope you know…
Seems like you are always in a hurry..
You don’t have time for anything..
For anyone or just for you..
But you are busy..
Day and night
Weekdays and weekends…
Busy doing things..
But yet..
I don’t see a smile on your face..
I don’t see joy in your eyes..

So.. stop and think
know where you are running to
And what you are running after
And then run on your own pace..
At your own comfort level
Don’t let others push you
To a run in a direction that you don’t want to
At the end..
It’s your run.. It’s your race..
Only you and you
Will meet the creator at the end..
Not me, not them
Just you!
Are you running?

Are you ready?

Guess what?
Sounds of birds..
The grass has turned green..
The last drops of snow have melted..
It’s still dark and gloomy
I hear the pitter patter of rain drops…
It’s April.. yes.. It’s April…
I look outside my window…
I see.. I see..
I see…
Hopes of spring…
This time.. it is late…

I thought god has forgotten..
But finally,
I see its coming..
I hear the sounds..
I hear the smell
Of spring
Of hope..
New dreams, new goals..
A chance to make things right again..
To see the world in colour again…
I look forward to blue blue skies
Green green grass..
Blossoms of all colours
Lilac, pink and periwinkle blue..
Butterflies and little birds..
The sound of children
Laugher and play
It's time again
To dream and dream

yes of lovely dreams....

Goodbye winter blues
Hello Spring…
The spring of life
The spring of hope
The spring of joy
The spring of love..
We can build again..
What ever we lost
In the dark, cold winter..

taken away
by the wicked storms and high winds
Taking away our dreams and hopes
Perhaps now
Again we can dream..
Again we can hope
It's time to
Review, rewind, and rejuvenate
And rebuild or rekindle...
What we lost in the storm
Hello.. Spring..
I welcome you both hands..
Welcome to my world
And my life..
I am glad you are back…

I missed you and waited for you for so long....

Are you ready for Spring?

What Do you Do?

Don’t you find sometimes
What ever you try to do or say
Goes wrong …
You try to do good with the best of your intentions
You try to save someone from making a huge mistake
You try to say some thing good to heal someone
With the best of your intentions
But yet,
It backfires?

And now everything sounds or looks
Like you have tried to create problems?
And make matters worse
Like adding fuel to the fire
Nothing seems to work

Why it happens I don’t know
Bad timing, bad judgement?
I don’t know.
All I know is, it happens

You offer your hand willing to help
Your open your ear to listen
You lend your shoulder to cry
You open your heart to give love
Your make your time to be there
You tell them that I am here for you..
But yet..
Nothing happens..
What ever you do is not enough
Or not good enough
Or may be its enough
But don’t you wish that
They would tell..
But don’t you wish they would take a second
And tell..

What do you do at times like this?
I don’t know..
Do you?