Ah.. here I go again..
I curse myself.. .
Who did this happen to me again..
Why did I let this happen to me again
I should have known..
This is not the first time
I tell my myself
Frowning at my own mistakes
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes
I have made many
And yet I continue to make a few more
Just when I think I will not make another mistake
I have just made another
But aren’t mistakes lessons in life
Isn’t it how we learn lessons..
By doing mistakes and learning from them?
In a way, if I didn’t make mistakes
Would I have much to talk about?
Can I say yes, I have done that, being there?
This is how I felt and this is what I did..
I realize there are no mistakes in life
But only lessons
But unless we learn the lesson
It will keep coming back
Back again and again..
In different colours, different shapes
But it’s the same lesson…
Hopefully, when we know better
We can do better
So mistakes are just as important
As the successes we make in life
If only we have the wisdom to learn from them…
Learn from your mistakes the first time.. If not it will repeat again and again!