Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thank you to YOU too!

Just as much as I am thankful to all the people
Who has loved me and supported me
I am also thankful to all those who did not
I am thankful to those who told me that was not good enough
Because you taught me what it is to
Believe in my self and not give up my dreams

Every time you disrespected me
I learnt to respect my self even more
Every time you looked down upon me
I learnt to look up and beyond you
Every time you made me feel small
I learnt that I am actually bigger than you
Every time you told me that I was not good enough
I knew I have the ability to be even better
Every time you told me that I could not do something
I realized in fact I could do it….and do it even better

Your remarks and behaviour may have hurt me at times
But perhaps, now that I think about it
It was for a good reason….
For every time I have experienced something bad
Even though its has been difficult and frustrating
I have always walked away being a better person
Perhaps, if not for people like you
I would have not learnt the value of self-respect, courage, strength and perseverance
Fighting for myself and for my dreams, hopes an goals
You have challenged me to be my best
And the value of believing further in my self and my abilities

So whether you have supported me or not
You too have made a contribution
Towards the positive growth of my life
As I continue to the walk forward on my path
Whether you were on my side or not
Whether you supported me or not
Your existence in my life and my path
Has been for a good reason
So how can I not be?
Thankful to you…
Thank You.

It has taken me many years to realize, and lots of grace to admit this. Those people who have not been supportive of me are not necessarily my enemies. When I think of the great lessons I have learnt, and the great qualities I have acquired - facing such people - I must acknowledge and give thanks to them too. I hope you try this for yourself . . . it gives so much freedom.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Niroma,
Howling Dog here. I left (or tried to) a message clicking on the little envelope, but I'm not sure it went through. So I'll do it again.
About absorbing abuse from other people, there are two Tibetan Buddhist verses that deal with just that. The first is: "When others, out of jealousy, treat me badly with abuse, slander and so on, I will learn to take all loss and offer the victory to them".

The other is: "When one whom I have benifitted with great trust unreasonably hurts me very badly, I will learn to view that person as an excellent spiritual guide."

It's wonderful advice, but I also feel that after a point we HAVE to defend ourselves, or get away from the abusive treatment. Not only for our own peace of mind and well-being, but also to prevent that person from continuing their destructive actions and thereby harming themselves just as much as they're harming us.

It's VERY hard to do this, to decide to run away or to fight, and that's where we have to respect our own emotions and weaknesses.

Take care, Kid, Love, Your bud, Howling Dog

Anonymous said...

your a beautiful person, don't ever change, thank you for sharing your emotions and thoughts. Bless you