Thursday, July 16, 2009

Searching for Happiness

Are you searching for Happiness?

When I was younger I thought I would achieve happiness through the material things I would possess, and also things like social status, etc. But now I realize it really does not.

I wish somebody had told me, for I would have lived my life differently. Well, I guess, it was all part of my journey.

I find happiness lies in tiny little moments.. they come and go.. and doesn’t really last for a long time.. Can’t find it in one particular location, thing or person. It’s all over.. and happiness could mean different things to different people.. so before you pursue it you need to know what exactly you are searching for..

Happiness to me is the feeling I experience when I walk bare feet in cool, blue-green grass, is also the colours of the sky at sunset or sunrise, watching the rain, listening to the birds chirp, the shy smile of baby, or tickling its sweet tender feet, spending quality time with friends, window shopping, listening to the sounds of beautiful music, savoring an ice cream cone on a hot summer afternoon, cheering my friends playing cricket at a park, sharing home cooked food with loved ones, attending to my plants in the garden, napping on a Sunday afternoon, having a personal relationship with god, dancing to peppy beat, being among friends, chatting with someone dear on net.. these are some things that bring me happiness.. they come in little bubbles, they don’t last long.. but still they are there.. they are in every day life.. they are inexpensive, and they are around you.. you just have to pay attention..

When I was younger I thought happiness was in the car I drove, the house I owned, the position I held, how much money I had in my bank.. so I pursued many many years trying to achieve these, by doing this, I failed to feel the happiness that was already present around me, I was busy getting ready to be “happy”, I thought one day, with all my hard work that I would reach the state of happiness.. and I could say to all.. “yeah! Now I am happy.. yippyyyyyyy!” well, it never happy.. how very wrong I was.

I hope you are not doing what I did.. for I wasted a whole lot of years.. and time is running out so fast, you cant take it back.. I find many people sacrificing their health and the relationships they should really value, in search for happiness. Sometimes, it could be too late, when you realize this..

What does happiness mean to you? find it and go for it.. Life is way too short..

1 comment:

Whats in a name? said...

Hello my are you? Are you back to work as yet? how is your health? I am missing you and our talks completely and when I saw you had a new post here I had to take the time to respond. When are we getting together??? WOuld you come to my house with a few other choice women to have an artisitc play morning or afternoon. If I can't coordinate many I will only invite a few. I am and as always thinking of you and your happiness. WOuld love to chat on the phone although I realize that is more of a blue thing...LOL. I am missing my specisl and wonderful green friend. Muah! that is a kiss blown for you or a kiss on the cheek...remember that client???wink know the one I mean. Lol.Lets talk soon!