Saturday, June 21, 2008

I am trying to talk to you...

Mommy would you listen to me?
Daddy would you listen to me?
I am here…
I am trying to say something..
I can’t find the right words yet
But I want to say this..
Do you see me?
I am here..right here..
Do I matter Daddy?
Do you see me as another human being?
Then why do you behave like I am not?
Why do you not listen to me?
Why do you not ask me what I want?
I get confused..
Why do you send me to school?
To learn, learn and learn
But then…
I am learning.. I am learning a lot..
I am leaning how to write
I am learning how to talk
I am learning how to think
Do you know mommy?
I can now read, write and speak
And can also think..
Yes.. I think mommy..
I think and learn how to act
And to make tiny decisions
mmm...yes, I know what I like
I know what I dont like..
I think mommy when you talk..
I also listen…
I watch when you do things, I observe..
Yes daddy.. I am watching everything you do..
and also you mommy...
And you know daddy?
I have feelings…
Yes.. like big people
I feel…
I sense…
But mommy….
Would you remember this..
When you yell at me for no reason
Can you remember this?
Since I can think now…
Next time
Can you ask me what I want?
can we talk about our feelings?
Would you take time to listen?

Mommy.. mommy
I am not like my dolly anymore
Now I can think..
Now I can feel..
Now I can sense
I can see
I can hear
I can talk
I can walk
Would you remember this?

Would you remember this?
they are trying to say something to you...
Are you paying attention?

Who are you GOD?

Who are you God?
What is your name?
You said to me..
“It does not matter my dear child….
My name does not matter
What matters is you know me..
Dont you?

Some call me this..
And some call me that..
It does not matter
For I am ONE…

I am not here to separate
I am here to unite
I am not here to fight
I am here for peace
I am not here to destruct
I am here to construct
I am not here to demolish
I am here to build and re-build
I am not here to create anger, hate or misery
I am here to spread love, peace and joy
Those who understand this
Know me my child…

It’s not about my name
It’s not about my colour
It’s about what I stand for..

Who is god?
To me it’s sense of presence
A powerful and strong presence
I have felt and can not express
Since I was a very young child
Sometimes inside of me
Sometimes around me
And sometimes above me

Where does he live?
He lives in beauty
He lives in music
He lives in love
He lives in compassion
He lives in peace
He lives in joy
He is the early morning dew drop
He is the in the majestic sun rise
I see him.....
yes, I see him...
I see him in the heart of a joyful person
In the laugher of a toddler
In a soft chuckle of a baby
In the glistening eyes of a loving friend
Inside a blossoming flower
In the deep blue ocean
In the mighty rocks
In green valleys and mountains
In sunshine and twinkling stars
In melodious music
And in the fingertips of an artist
In the moving body of a passionate dancer..

God is my friend, coach and my guide
God is with me all night and day
He is one person who has never left me
Strangely I met him
When I lost everything and every one
When I thought I have nothing
And every one has left
But he was there

“shhh.. my child.. I am here with you,
I have not left you and I will not leave you…
I am your creator…and you are in my care…
you are here because I need you”

Who is God to you?