Sunday, January 27, 2008

Let's Pick-Us UP!!!

You feel paralyzed?
Can’t think?
Feel empty?
What happened honey?
Did anyone turn back on you?
Break your promises?
Didn’t keep the word?
Kept you waiting?
Didn’t show up?

Sisters, such things happen to us
At the most unexpected times
Just when we think
Everything is fine and honker-dory
When we feel we are just about to
Walk out that dark tunnel
To sunshine…

Something happens so drastic
So painful
To pull us back into the tunnel of darkness
Don’t give up sisters
Don’t.. because it’s not the time..
Not NOW and for some of us..
Not AGAIN...

Relax.. breath..
Go within…yourself..
You still have that friend..
Your faithful friend
The only person who loves you unconditionally
The only person who never leaves you
Your higher power, your Godly Self..
Some may call it the Lord…
It does not matter what you call..
He is there for you..
Right within you..
Where you can access day or night
Weekends or weekdays

Isn’t it strange sisters?
We always wait for someone…
Another person to complete us
When we are – ourselves, created to be complete on our own?
Even when you know that you know your way?
Even when you know that you will be okay?
We wait and wait and wait
Or continue to look for that person…
That other half..
Sometimes, even failure after failure
Telling us “I can’t make it on my own”

This happens to the best of us - dear sisters
Us.. who are smart and able and capable
Us… sometimes, who are out there managing other people
Us… who others look up to as "leaders"
But in our most private moments
We tell ourselves we can’t do it alone
So we look for someone to pick us up
Even though we know very well
We don’t have to anymore

Look within sisters..
You always have a friend.. a companion, a partner..
You do..
Just within your heart and soul
That friend is always there..
Also wanting to be your friend..
Wanting to give you a hand..

No matter how dark your tunnel is sister..
He will help you through to sun shine
If only you believe in your heart and soul

No matter what has happened to you sisters
Lives or jobs lost, marriages broken, partnerships shattered..
Please know, you will come through this..
Easy? not may be..
But surely you will…

Believe in yourself and your higher power
It’s within you.. and within your access at any time
Find that friend within yourself
Join hands and walk towards sunshine..
One little baby step.. no hurry
You are not in race..
Take your time..
And know that, no matter who has left you
You are never alone…
We are all created with a built-in-friend
And sometimes, for a while in our paths
This may be the only friend we may spend our life with..
Specially when external bodies.. walk out on us
Turn back or break promises..

Don’t let any externals stop you from walking your path
Give up your dreams and goals you have for yourself
Don’t wait and wait for someone to rescue you
For it may not happen
Don’t think you are not complete.. without that special person..
You are a complete human being..
You were created as a complete human being
Not a half a human being - dont look for that half outside
that half is inside of you..
Right inside of you

Lets pick our selves up sisters....

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