Sunday, July 13, 2008

You are Valued....

Do you realize?
You don’t owe your life to any man or woman?
But yourself....
Do you realize?
Living for yourself is your responsibility
That is what you are here for…

Are you living well my friend?
Are you living with joy?
With peace in your heart and mind?
Have you found your path my friend?
The path that is meant for you?

Are you doing what you are suppose to?
Do you realize you are needed here
And you have a place on this earth..
That is why my friend
Your creator brought you here….

White, black, yellow or brown
You are valued my friend
And you are needed
Fat, thin, tall, short, curvy or flat
You are valued my friend
It’s not in the colour of your eyes or hair or your skin
It's what is in your heart
It’s what inside of you my friend
You are valued....

Married, divorced, separated
Child less or with children
Blue-collar or white-collar
You are valued my friend..
You are here for a reason..
You have a place

You are valued and wanted and you have a place on this earth

and you are also here for a reason

take time to find out your reason....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is nice to hear this Niroma every once and awhile. While I realize this message was not meant especailly fr me I find that right now I am working in a place where people are not valued by those at the top. If for some reason in secret they do value us it is a shame that they do not have the social skills to share their feelings...or...rather appreciation. I have to be careful because appreciation can be devoid of feeling and otherwise full of reality as it is.

Why do some people find it so hard to say good job! Or thanks for all your hard work today? Don't they realize that we will work twice as hard and run twice as far for them if we only received an inch of appreciation each day? Why do they not realize this? It makes me sad to be in this situation because ultimately...I am a person who is easy to please...Just tell me I am valued...tell me I am loved....

By the way...I value YOU Niroma!