Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Beautiful Afternoon

I experienced this a many years back but memories still fresh like yesterday... At a time when I was juggling college with two jobs. During this time I was living in a high-rise building – and one afternoon, as usual I was hopping in to the elevator to rush to work. Inside the elevator, a pleasant woman greeted me – I knew she lived in the building, and I also happen to know she was blind. She was a sweet lady loved by all in the building. She looked in my direction and asked me “ Isn’t it a great afternoon?” I looked at her in amazement and thought to my self how would she know, because I knew she was totally blind. I said “mmmmhmmm” but I actually had no clue what kind of day it was. Why? Because I had not been paying attention. As usual I hurried out of the elevator, but as I was walking to catch the bus, I looked around – yes, it was a gorgeous, sunny afternoon. I looked up too – I must admit I usually don’t – the sun was shining and the sky was a beautiful blue. There was a soft breeze in the air and the flowers along the pathway to the building absolutely looked beautiful. I felt the warmth of the soft sun on my skin – it was refreshing. I paused in for a few seconds to absorb the beauty around me… and it sure felt good!But that day, I also felt ashamed… My creator had given me sight but I was not using it … and I had to learn this lesson from a blind woman who I knew could not see. However, it taught me a great lesson and that I will never forget.Now everyday as I go out, I take a few moments to look around and I also look up. I take a second to give thanks for my sight. I make a conscious effort to observe what kind of day it is…every single day has been beautiful… in a different way…in its own way.. Some days, there is more sun, some days more cloud, the sky turns to a myriad shades of blues and purples and pinks and oranges depending which time of the day it is I am looking, I notice the trees and shrubs and the colours of its leaves and flowers... I hear the sounds of birds… I see squirrels…. I have started to notice because I am paying attention to these things.It feels good to be connected with the outside world every single day even though it’s for a brief minute or two. Whenever I do that, I feel I am part of a bigger picture. I am fortunate to be living in country that has four seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter…I am glad for each season, for it presents it self with a unique beauty of its own. I am happy I have sight… even though I wear glasses I can still see… I can still see… I can still see…. and I dont want to take for granted....

Are you using your eyes?
Isn't it strange - in our rush to get through everyday life, we miss the precious moments, and sometimes having perfect sight we are still blind to life.

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