Saturday, November 18, 2006


If you love somebody
Tell them now
Don’t wait for that perfect day
For it may never come

Life is short and unpredictable
And, I think we all know that
But yet,
We always hesitate so much
To tell somebody that we love and care for them

Whether it’s your spouse, children or friends
Do tell them that you love them
For we never know – when we have to say “Good Bye”
And never see each other again

If you have something good to say
Say it and say it NOW

When he or she can still hear it
Because when they are gone – they are gone
They can't read the beautiful cards
Or smell the flowers
Or see your tears
Or hear your sweet words of appreciation

Nobody ever dies of too much love or care
But I know sometimes people die
Because, the lack of it
We all want to be loved and cared and accepted
As humans we constantly strive to hear it
Every single day

So today. . . .
If you love somebody
Tell them . .
Let them know how much you appreciate
Having them in your life
Tell them how much you love them and care for them
For you may not get another chance

During the past ten years, I have lost many people who were near and dear to me - my father and mother, three aunts, two uncles, two good friends and two loving dogs.. but I am glad I had the awareness to let some of them know - specially my parents - to let them know how much I cared for them.

I hope you do the same.

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